They say that your children teach you alot. I have found that to be very true, although my children are my horses-all four of them!
Each four-legged family member shows me another aspect of my personality that I don't show the world very often or have turned away from because of its lack of social and self acceptance. The unruly, openly emotional, wild sides that would land me in the loony bin and the instinctive mothering, nurturing sides that being an independant woman in a masculine industry has overshadowed to make room for 'getting ahead'. They show me how to wear everything on my sleeve, be brutally honest and live in the moment because thats all that we ever have.
Whenever I am not sure why I am attracting certain situations, I turn to my reliable (and brutally honest) horses to mirror what is really going on inside my head. And no truth speaks clearer than that of a child. My ability to communicate with horses allows a fluent conversation within a round yard, like old friends catching up - the type that knows whats going on just because you lean against a post a different way.
What I love about the equine-human interaction is that they teach healthy boundaries and responsibility - not just beacuse you have to feed them everyday... When you are feeling down they DO NOT give you a hug and treat you like a victim, allowing the powerless cycle to continue. They show you what you cannot see or do not want to see! I sincerely believe that giving someone the gift of truth is one of the most precious, empowering gifts one can give...
I encourage you to be a part of this amazing partnership with your horse.
Chantal Thenberg's Profile

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Whenever I am not sure why I am attracting certain situations, I turn to my reliable (and brutally honest) horses to mirror what is really going on inside my head. And no truth speaks clearer than that of a child. My ability to communicate with horses allows a fluent conversation within a round yard, like old friends catching up - the type that knows whats going on just because you lean against a post a different way.
What I love about the equine-human interaction is that they teach healthy boundaries and responsibility - not just beacuse you have to feed them everyday... When you are feeling down they DO NOT give you a hug and treat you like a victim, allowing the powerless cycle to continue. They show you what you cannot see or do not want to see! I sincerely believe that giving someone the gift of truth is one of the most precious, empowering gifts one can give...
I encourage you to be a part of this amazing partnership with your horse.
Chantal Thenberg's Profile

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