Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Understand Yourself
Through Horse Training

By Chantal Thenberg

To continue on from Part 1... We ask – How do I show the horse it is safer by my side? The answer is... LET HIM GO. Let him off the halter, free as a bird. Let him run, in fact encourage him to run. Suddenly he has to work for his right to join you at peace in the circle, for while he is away from you, he is running (working). When he is ready, he will show you his signs of respect (focussed on you permanently, lowering head, licking lips) and when you allow him to join you in the centre, you will let him stand at peace and harmony in a mutual respect. He learns that this is his comfort zone, right by your side. (Perhaps some of you are starting to see the similarities in trying to control other people here...)

Going back to life, what do I learn from this? The things that you feel you need right now that keep slipping through your fingers, perhaps need you to let go of them and let them come back to you. This is not say that you do not persue something that you want, it means that you understand that there is nothing one needs that makes one act from a place that is not love, eg. Manipulation, jealousy, rage. If you feel this need arising, observe it and do the opposite.. Let it go. Like the old saying... Let it go. If it comes back to you, it was meant be.

Upon reflection of my session, I see it is important to stand independantly and get respect by correct communication and approach, yet 'doing less'. In other words, I am standing quite still, the horse is doing the running. I am 'the flame', not 'the moth'. Do not be the one chasing something as a pointless, thoughtless habit. Seek understanding. Think of it from their point of view. Always act neutrally and create a home within - within yourself and within the centre of the round yard.

Check out more posts to follow shortly... Feel free to post and questions!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Understand Yourself
Through Horse Training


By Chantal Thenberg

I want to talk about letting go, therefore getting what you want. Its such an Irony... Thinking that the only way you can 'keep' something is by holding onto it! In actual fact, energetically speaking, the opposite is quite true. What you resist, persists and everything that is not Love will eventually fall away. When you desperately want something, the only thing to do is trust, trust and trust some more! Let go of the outcome! Explore outside your comfort zones. Ultimately, only this will break thruogh fears and bring you into a place of Love, Harmony and therefore able to manifest your dreams and intentions derived from Love - “The Real Stuff”. Clinging will only push away whatever you are trying to control.

So how does this relate to horses? Horses mirror this exactly! If I am in a round yard with a horse, who is at the end of the lead rope, and I pull on the rope... His first response is to resist. At this point, he has to decide if he will yield to the pressure or run away. Let me make this clear – a 500kg animal has a large chance of winning against a 70kg human, particularly in a state of panic and heightened emotion. So, How do I convince the horse the come into the middle of the circle with me? How do I tell him he is more safe and comfortable by my side? Just pull until he gives in? Persist? Talk to him? See Part 2 of this article posted here shortly...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Connecting With Horses - Naturally!

They say that your children teach you alot. I have found that to be very true, although my children are my horses-all four of them!

Each four-legged family member shows me another aspect of my personality that I don't show the world very often or have turned away from because of its lack of social and self acceptance. The unruly, openly emotional, wild sides that would land me in the loony bin and the instinctive mothering, nurturing sides that being an independant woman in a masculine industry has overshadowed to make room for 'getting ahead'. They show me how to wear everything on my sleeve, be brutally honest and live in the moment because thats all that we ever have.

Whenever I am not sure why I am attracting certain situations, I turn to my reliable (and brutally honest) horses to mirror what is really going on inside my head. And no truth speaks clearer than that of a child. My ability to communicate with horses allows a fluent conversation within a round yard, like old friends catching up - the type that knows whats going on just because you lean against a post a different way.

What I love about the equine-human interaction is that they teach healthy boundaries and responsibility - not just beacuse you have to feed them everyday... When you are feeling down they DO NOT give you a hug and treat you like a victim, allowing the powerless cycle to continue. They show you what you cannot see or do not want to see! I sincerely believe that giving someone the gift of truth is one of the most precious, empowering gifts one can give...

I encourage you to be a part of this amazing partnership with your horse.

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